Monday, December 29, 2008

It's a ............... GIRL!

Some of you probably have already heard the news, but on Monday, December 22ND, we found out that we are going to have a little girl! Daddy (Jason) is thrilled, he was really hoping for a baby to be "daddy's girl." I'm so excited too!

We made our way to the doctor's that morning around 8:30am, with my mom, Sue, following behind in her car. She came along, not only to get the news with us, but also to accompany to the only place one can go after hearing such news....Babies R Us! We waited for about 30 minutes before being called back to the ultrasound room. The nurse, who was a total pro at the ultrasound machine, applied the quintessential sonogram "goop" to my belly and began her hunt for Baby Ellis. Within seconds we could see hands, legs, feet, a cute little head and face. Many of us have seen ultrasound pictures like the ones posted here, but it's so neat to see the baby actually moving around "live" on the screen. Yet another wonderful confirmation of the life that is miraculously being knit together inside my belly. Finally...the moment of truth. The nurse maneuvered the magical ultrasound wand to show the "underside" of Baby Ellis. In the picture below, you will see a tiny white arrow pointing to Miss Ellis, showing that it is, indeed, a girl! It was so neat to see the nurse locate her little heart, kidneys, bladder, and so on. Of course, I had no idea what I was looking at, but boy was it cute! Another thing we discovered during the ultrasound is that Miss Ellis is VERY active! She would hardly sit still to let us get a snapshot of her. I'm not sure if she's going to be an athlete or if she's just camera shy. Either way, she was a movin'. The best part of the whole visit was hearing both the ultrasound nurse and Dr. Weise tell us that everything look perfect! She's approximately 13 1/2 ounces in weight and all of her "parts" look just as they should. Praise the Lord!

After the appointment, Daddy headed back to Warsaw for work and my mom and I headed off to Babies R Us. Who knew there were so many cute things for little girls??? It was so much fun and I must say that Miss Ellis will have quite an impressive wardrobe for an infant. :)

As far as names, we haven't officially decided yet, but we have a few in mind. We would like to use my middle name, Jane, which is also my mother's middle name. We like Norah, Reagan and Hannah, but again, we are open to suggestions.

1 comment:

ellika said...

I am so happy that she's healthy and so active. I love you and Jay so much and am looking so forward to our little sweet pea. I have also been to the store for little girl clothes. Indeed she will be well dressed.