Saturday, April 11, 2009

36 weeks and counting!

Yes...can you believe it? We sure can't! Only 4 weeks to go! Although, it looks as though Miss Ellis may make her debut a little early. We had a good check up on Thursday of this week. The doctor did her normal checks and said, "Wow, your baby is really low! She has definitely 'dropped." This is also referred to as lightening which basically means she is getting ready to make her way into this world. She is turned and head down which is always a very good sign - although that doesn't mean she could still throw us for a loop and flip head up! But from the way she enjoys "tickling" my ribs with her toes, I don't think she'll have any problem keeping that little noggin of hers down! The good news is that she's right where she needs to be and even if she comes a little early, she'll be in good shape. This is the part where Mommy starts to get excited about the possibility of have less than 4 weeks to go! Simple household tasks are becoming harder by the day, bending down to pick something up off the floor is a less than graceful act, and the dogs can't figure out why they can't fit on Mommy's lap any more. Sorry puppies, you'll have to wait your turn! So one can see why an early baby would be most acceptable to me at this point! Daddy is hoping for April 19th to keep all of our birthday's on that particular day (his is May 19th, and mine is Nov. 19). But we'll just have to see!
Please pray for a healthy labor and delivery and most importantly a healthy little girl!

1 comment:

Katie said...

You look awesome!